Transgenders this way of paying tribute to Ambedkar will amuse you!

Mekhola Mukherjee
PUNE: NP NEWS 24 ONLINE- Various people of all over Pune, Maharashtra and the country remembered and paid tribute the great leader of the country Bhim Rao Ambedkar on his 62nd death anniversary commonly known as ‘Mahaparinirvan Diwas’ by offering garland of flowers to the bust of BR Ambedkar.

But, the transgenders of Pune chose a unique way to recall Ambedkar’s thoughts on his 62nd death anniversary.

The transgenders along with 25 other women had gathered at the Ambedkar Udyan, Appar Indira Nagar situated in Pune to acknowledge more about the constitutional rights of not only women but also the LGBTQ. Various women of different castes and religion were a part of this initiative. of not only women but also the LGBTQ. Various women of different castes and religion were a part of this initiative.

This initiative was taken on the 6th of December which is Ambedkar’s 62nd death anniversary at around 3 pm in a broad daylight.

According to transgender Chandni Gore, who runs an organization called ‘Nirbhaya’ which works for the betterment and welfare of the society  told, “The women of slums were gathered, and they were made aware of the Preamble of constitution which talks about ‘equality, liberty and fraternity’, and Ambedkar whose ideologies were based on equality, to pay tribute to such a person, we chose this.”

Chandni Gore’s who has also fought for women’s rights, believes that every individual has the right to know about their rights as per the constitution.

Although the women and transgenders gathered there felt the discussion and awareness spread was useful for them and appreciated the efforts taken by the organization, ‘Nirbhaya’.

These small initiatives are the stepping stones towards an educated, literate and a positive society. And, such activities will definitely bring a change.

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