Restaurant with Robotic waiters

NPnews24 Online, Kannur: Technology replacing to humans, and in a first of its kind initiative, newly opened restaurant in Kerala’s Kannur named Be@kiwizo became first kerala’s restaurant where robots will take up the job of waiters.

Aleena, Helen and Jane the unconventional waitresses will be serving to customers in the restaurant, and they will be attending to the table as per direction, given like to offer to customers and recording choice of food.

The robots moving through a designated path and are asking politely to the customers to move aside if anyone blocks its path while it move around.

They are fitted in such that they can communicate with customers in English. Apart from the three robot waitresses, one more robot will be present to entertain the kids in the restaurant.

This small robot will dance and sing with the kids and can also accompany them to the washroom by holding their hands.

Owner of the restaurant Maniyan Pillai Raju said, this is an effort to bring technology and food industry closer.

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