Women leader makes a better leader

NP NEWS 24 ONLINE-  It is proven that women have more developed skills associated with encouraging and supporting, while men are considered better at decision-making and problem-solving. Whereas, men are associated with leadership qualities, and many employees think of men as of those who can be in charge.

Female leaders are more likely to practice self-development by asking for feedback about their performance and decisions. Men, especially those above the age of 40, are less likely to do the same. This practice makes female leaders better at developing both themselves and their teams within the workplace.

Various studies suggest, when men suggest some idea regarding their team, they are perceived as leaders and their ideas get more attention whereas, when women make the same suggestion using the same language, their ideas are not appreciated in the say way.

Increasing the number of women in positions of political power increases the diversity of political viewpoints. Based on this research, women have more leadership potential and tend to lead more effectively than men.

Even though some people may defend such stereotypes, claiming that men indeed are better leaders, facts and numbers prove the opposite.

Another static report says, companies that have at least 30% of women in leadership positions show at least 1% point in a net profit margin compared to companies that don’t have female leaders.

2018 has been an immense year for women’s political leadership around the world. In the US, women played an important role in election 255 women ran for two major parties of those, 117 won. Ethiopia appoint the first ever woman president of the country’s Federal Supreme Court. Half of prime minister Abiy Ahmed’s cabinet is female, including the minister of defence.

In Spain, Bahrain, and Mexico too. In India Nirmala Sitatrama, is the second Defence Minister of India after Indira Gandhi and also served as Minister of Commerce and Industry earlier, Mamta Banerjee is currently serving her second tenure as a CM of West Bengal and Shushma Swaraj as the external affairs minister and many countries have women representative making their country’s proud.  

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