Ahmedabad: People not donating plasma due to fear of re-infection
Ahmedabad: Patients in critical condition suffering from Covid-19 can be saved if given plasma. But those people who have recovered, are not willing to donate plasma. Currently the demand for plasma is high against which the supply is low. So the coronavirus infected patients are suffering more.
Vaccine of covid19 has not come yet so plasma therapy is one of the options for Covid-19 patients. But people are fearing re-infection and hence they are not donating plasma. Blood banks are also working to collect plasma. Currently 50 to 60 people are contacting the Red Cross blood bank every day for inquiring about plasma availability. However the blood bank has supplies available for only 35 to 40 people daily due to the shortage of plasma.
A plasma can be proved a blessing for a corona positive patient if he is not critical and if his oxygen level is low. Currently people have been panicking since the beginning of the corona epidemic and people are fearing the depletion of white blood cells and platelets after donating plasma. So the blood bank is assuring that white blood cells and platelets return through technology so that there is no reason to get infected or panic. And people who have had corona are being appealed to donate plasma after beating corona.