Gujarat: Swine Flu test mandatory if both Antigen and RTPCR Covid-19 tests results come negative

Swine Flu test

Swine Flu test

Gandhinagar : Corona cases are on the rise across the country and another wave of corona is going on in Gujarat. A team of experts was sent to Gujarat by the Centre’s Narendra Modi government at a time when corona cases are on the rise in Gujarat. A new guideline has been issued by the state government’s health department as per the instructions of the Centre’s team. According to the new guideline, RTPCR test must be performed on symptomatic patients with rapid antigen negative. A patient who is symptomatic and has a negative test report for both rapid antigen and RTPCR  will have to be tested for swine flu.

According to the new guideline issued by the state government on corona testing, a person in high risk contact with a positive patient will have to undergo a rapid antigen test in five to seven days. Of these, those who are symptomatic will have to be tested immediately. The high risk contact of the positive patient should be monitored on a daily basis as per the guideline keeping him in home quarantine.

In addition, RTPCR tests are now mandatory for symptomatic patients who have a negative rapid test. A patient who is symptomatic and has a negative test for both rapid and  RT-PCR  should be tested for swine flu. The state government has implemented this new guideline regarding corona test in line with the recent suggestions made by the Centre’s health team.