Heartbreaks might Depress you but, “My Heart, Your Heart” Goes on…”

Mekhola Mukherjee


World Heart Federation has come up with a theme this year 2018 on World Heart Day which is ‘My Heart, Your Heart’. This theme is about saying to ourselves, the people we care about and individuals all around the world, “What can I do right now to look after my heart… and your heart?”

The cardiac diseases are not just restricted to the elderly or a specific age group of like 40 or 50 years nowadays but it is becoming more common in youngsters, leading to end number of deaths resulting by heart failures.

Youngsters in the race to compete against mankind and reach at the highest position are losing their identity and are found dealing with depression and stress. The causes might be heart breaks, or sometimes financial problems, peer pressure, disputes in homes and many such reasons lead to stress, anxiety and depression.

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Sudden deaths due to heart attacks among the age group of 21-25 have increased with time.Lifestyle is an important reason claim the doctors, irrespective of age, people not suffering from diabetes or cholesterol are also suffering heart attacks especially the youngsters.

NPnews24, on a conversation with few doctors tried to analyse the root cause of frequent deaths among the youth due to heart attack:

Dr. Rahul D Sawant
, cardiologist of Pune based Hridaymitra cardiac clinic, said, “Poor lifestyle, alcohol, tobacco and lifestyle of course are the  major problems along with improper sleep, working extra hours. Disturbance in sleeping patterns, struggling for financial needs and lack of exercises are the causes.”

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He said, “Now, we are also observing patients not addicted to alcohol or smoking but suffer heart attack and die at a young age, in such cases stress and genetic factors are the major causes. Heart diseases are increasing rapidly in our country, and there’s a significant rise of 25% in heart diseases and there is no alternative for exercise.”

Mentioning about My Heart Your Heart theme of World Heart federation he said, “Its making the youth aware about keeping heart healthy and leading towards a long life.”

Dr. Rahul Patil
, consultant cardiologist of Pune based Hridayam Heart Care Clinic said, “Excessive stress, smoking, lack of sleep, are the reasons but along with it certain blood factors like Homocysteine, Lipoprotein(a), are the cause of young heart attacks. Diebeties, cholesterol are not the reasons in youth for heart attack.”

“Love relationship stress, stress between employee and boss, to survive in competitive world might lead to depression and then heart attack. High levels of chemicals like Lipoprotein(a) is the major cause in South Asia, it is a genetic factor seen in around 30 % of Asians. These factors cannot be altered by lifestyle or any other medication. If the chemical is high, diagnosis and treatment are the only solutions to avoid heart risk. Risk of heart diseases increases 14% with a Lipoprotein(a) containing body whereas, a smoker has a risk of only 4%”, he added.

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Dr. Archana Sathe
, Cardiac Care & Counselling Centre said, “Indians in abroad are prone to heart risks, hence it proves Indians anyways have a higher genetic tendency towards heart diseases. Early eco-cardiograms in schools, health check-ups of children playing sports, could lead to symptoms of Cardiomypathy in which heart failure is caused due to loosening of heart muscles. Common man has become self-centred, working towards a goal, earning money, to survive the competition in world. Youth is leading a YOLO (You Only Live Once) lifestyle, and want success in short time.”

Talking about love relationships and breakups she said, “If you are not able to satisfy yourself emotionally and be happy, how can you keep your partner happy? Expectations and disappoints should not be a reason for your depression. We are always there for counselling, talk to parents, friends and relatives if you are depressed.”

“Youth today needs to be happy and enjoy life, which is the only alternative. Youngsters should focus more on sharing, caring and spreading love”, she added.


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