Havoc of Corona Continues in India! India Now Ranks Third in Coronavirus Infection

New Delhi : Corona infection is spreading rapidly in India. Now, in the list of countries most affected by the coronavirus, India has reached the third position, leaving Russia behind. The US and Brazil are ahead of India in this regard. According to Worldometer, there are currently 687,760 corona patients in India while 681,251 infected cases have been reported in Russia so far. In the last 24 hours, more than 13 thousand cases have been registered in the country. A total of 13,856 cases were registered during this period.

Pakistan ranks 12th in terms of corona infection. Russia currently has 681,251 cases with 6,736 cases reported in the last 24 hours. After India, which reached the third position, only the United States and Brazil are left. However, the incidence of corona infection in these two countries is more than double the total infection cases in India. Speaking of the US, so far there have been more than 29 lakh, i.e. 2,953,014 cases. In the last 24 hours, 17,244 new cases came to light and 132,382 people have died in the United States.

In Brazil, there have been 1,578,376 corona cases, while 64,365 of them have died. Reaching the third rank, a total of 687,760 cases have been registered in India in which 19,568 people have lost their lives. According to a report, the top 10 countries include 4-4 countries in Europe and South America. South American countries include Peru (fifth), Chile (seventh) and Mexico (ninth) in the top 10 after Brazil.

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