Governor hits out at political violence in Bengal

Kolkata, July 21 (IANS) West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Tuesday spoke out against the deteriorating law and order situation and said that political violence has gripped the state like never before.”Every such incident reflects worrisome law and order,” Dhankhar tweeted.The Governor said that the treatment meted out by a politicized police to the opposition leaders and MPs is alarming.”Police officials carrying out political errands are unmindful of law,” he said.On Monday, Dhankhar held a meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah about the “worrisome situation” in Bengal.Dhankhar said that the welfare of the people of the state was always uppermost in his mind. The Governor had also said in his tweets that he will protect and defend the Constitution to the best of his ability.–IANSsbn/sdr/bg

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