B’luru civic chief regrets sealing of corona patient’s flat

Bengaluru, July 24 (IANS) In a shocking incident a Covid-19 patient’s flat in the city’s eastern suburb along with that of her neighbour was sealed with metal sheets, leading to an uproar and forcing Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Commissioner N. Manjunatha Prasad to express regrets and promise action against the erring staff.”The commissioner has regretted the civic body staff’s action in sealing the home- quarantined patient’s flat and that of her neighbour’s with metal sheets and assured of action against those found guilty,” the official told IANS here on Friday.The metal sheets were removed on Thursday night after a video clip went viral on the social media and sparked protests by owners of other flats in the residential building.The incident came to light after the victim’s neighbour tweeted pictures of metal sheets nailed to the wall across the main doors of the two flats, preventing their residents from coming out.”It’s unfortunate that instead of advising the victim to stay home under quarantine and not to allow anyone to enter her flat, the overzealous staff sealed the flats in violation of the standard operating procedure,” the official maintained.Though a 9-day lockdown was lifted on Wednesday, containment zones across the city remain sealed to prevent the virus spread, while asymptomatic patients are strictly told to be remain in home quarantine.According to the coronavirus patient, the civic body’s health officials came to the flat and told her that they would seal the floor to check the virus spread.”Instead, the civic staff sealed the two adjascent flats by clamping metal sheets across their main doors,” the official admitted.As Karnataka’s epicentre of the pandemic, Bengaluru reported 2,207 new cases on Thursday, taking its Covid tally to 39,200, including 29,090 active cases. As many as 9,326 patients have been cured and discharged, including 1,038 in the last 24 hours. A total of 783 patients have succumbed to the infection since March 9. –IANSfb/tsb

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