BJP to move Kerala over Guruvayoor temple’s Covid contribution

Kochi, May 6 (IANS) The BJP’s Kerala unit will approach the state high court to get back the Rs 5 crore the famed Sree Krishna Temple at Guruvayoor, that was given to the CM’s Covid Relief Fund.”We will approach the Kerala High Court to recover this money, which is actually the money given by the devotees for the development of the temple. Moreover why should this be given to ‘someone’ who doesn’t even bow before Lord Guruvayoorappan,” BJP spokesperson B.Gopalakrishnan told IANS.”What we have now understood is a few people have already approached the court. I have also spoken to my legal counsel and if there is no one who will file, then I will go ahead and file,” said Gopalakrishnan and added the funds of the temple should be used for the temple and its needs and expansion plans.Guruvayoor Devasom Chairman K.N. Mohandas handed over a cheque of Rs 5 crore to the Thrissur Collector to be handed over to the CM’s Covid Relief Fund.”We did a similar contribution when the state was devastated by the floods. Again our state is facing a disaster so we decided to do the same,” said Mohandas.–IANSsg/vd

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