Ankita Lokhande: Truth wins

Mumbai, Sep 5 (IANS) Ankita Lokhande, actress and former girlfriend of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has applauded the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for its action in the ongoing Sushant death probe.Ankita posted an image of the Om insignia on Instagram. She captioned the image: “Har har Mahadev”, and added a trident icon along with the hashtags #satyamevjayte, #truthwins# and justiceforsushant.Actor Adhyayan Summan has paid a tribute to Sushant in a song called “Jab tak 2.0”. Ankita praised him on Twitter and said: “I’m Speechless adhyayan.”Ankita’s reaction came in the wake of the arrests of Showik Chakraborty, brother of Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, and the late actor’s house manager Samuel Miranda.On Friday, the NCB carried out raids at a number of locations here, including at the homes of Showik and Miranda.The NCB will produce Showik and Samuel in court on Saturday and the agency will seek their custody for further interrogation.On June 14, Sushant was found dead in his home in Mumbai. At that time, Mumbai Police had concluded it was a case of suicide, and investigated reasons that might have caused Sushant to end his life.–IANSdc/vnc

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