AAP rebel MLA sharpens attack amid ‘switch-over’ talk

New Delhi, June 15 (IANS) With the summers revealing poor state of water management in the capital, BJP leaders along with rebel Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Colonel Devinder Sehrawat will be visiting the Bijwasan assembly constituency where they will interact with the locals on the scarcity of water in the area.
There are reports that at least 7 MLAs from Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) might join the interaction, giving a tough time to AAP.
Speaking to IANS, Sehrawat said the event will also be attended by Kapil Mishra and Anil Bajpai, both elected on the AAP ticket. However, he did not confirm reports that some AAP MLAs would also attend the event.
According to Sehrawat, three projects of the Delhi Jal Board have been pending in the Bijwasan constituency, due to which the resident of the constituency have been facing acute water shortage.
“The Chief Minister himself heads the Delhi Jal Board, yet my constituency has been facing acute water shortage. I along with other MLAs will tour the constituency on Saturday and speak about the failed working of the Chief Minster before the locals,” Sehrawat told IANS.
He did not comment on reports of AAP MLAs joining the event. “There are reports of MLAs being unhappy with the leadership, however, no one has contacted me yet, but if someone wants to join, then they will be welcomed.” Sehrawat added.

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