Woman dog has ‘illicit relationship’ ?

NPnews24 Online, Thiruvananthapuram: A white Pomeranian dog, three years old was found abandoned outside world market in Chackai, Thiruvananthapuram. The owner apparently had a problem with an ‘illicit relationship’ she’s had with a dog next door.

A passerby that saw abandoned dog called a volunteer of people for animal who went to collect the Pomeranian. “I took her home and put her in my kennel. She is really nice, someone would adopt her soon. But there is a really hopeful look on her face, expecting that her owner would come to pick her up, “Says Shameem, the PFA volunteer.

The unidentified owner sought to justify the action by claiming that the dog was “being abandoned because she was found to have illicit relationship with a dog in the neighbourhood.”

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