What to do when you are tested coronavirus positive, know ‘here’

Pune: The numbers of coronavirus infected patients are increasing rapidly. India has become the second country to have the highest number of coronavirus positive cases leaving behind Brazil. According to data released by the Union Ministry of Health, the number of people who died of corona in India has crossed one lakh, while the figure of corona infected people has reached 64,73,544  The Central government as well as World Health Organization (WHO) has issued certain guidelines advising what to do when you’re identified as positive.

·         Maintain distance:

According to the WHO’s advice, as soon as you know that your report has come positive, you should first separate yourself from other family members. Especially keeping distance from children and the elderly. Isolating yourself is the best way to stop the disease from spreading.

·         Regular Meals

The expert has advised not to skip breakfast in the morning as it is the most important meal of the day.

·         Inform people who were in you contact

The people with whom were in contact ask them to take a coronavirus test. Advise them to isolate themselves until the results are out, so that the chain of this infection is stopped.

·         Treat yourself at home:

If you have mild symptoms of coronavirus, then you can also treat yourself at home. There are many patients in India, in whom fewer symptoms of corona are found. Patients with fewer symptoms can heal themselves. Take Vitamin D. Eat food items that boost the immune system. Stay away from people.

·         Contact the doctor if the symptoms are severe:

You should keep observing your symptoms until the corona report is positive. If you have trouble breathing, or have any critical problems, contact a doctor immediately.

According to the WHO, 6 measures need to be taken to prevent this figure from increasing.

1. Identify the patients

2. Get a test only when you have mild symptoms

3. Do not treat ill-treat patients, but rather take care of patients by following safety rules.

4. Always use the mask

5. Inoculate Flu

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