Virus can be Defeated by Just Two Drops of Sesame Oil

A simple and homely remedy can prevent the coronavirus causing havoc in the world. According to Ayurvedicists, if two drops of sesame oil are applied in the nose by making a protective layer, then it prevents the virus from reaching the respiratory tract. 28th chapter of Charaka Samhita says two drops of sesame oil in the nose protects against diseases caused by microscopic particles.

The method for the treatment by inserting the medicine from the nose is described in the Charaka Samhita. The oil forms an immune layer inside the nose. Harmful particles, viruses and bacteria get trapped in this layer. These particles do not reach the lungs through the nose. The mucous membrane inside the nose is strengthened.

Research on 150 patients :

Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor of Mahavir Ayurvedic Medical College, has done research on pertussis on 150 patients under Panchakarma Siddhanta. She claim that while up to 2.5 microns PM particles get trapped in the nasal layer of oil, micro viruses and bacteria also do not cross the layer. Patients should do pranayama after a week of nasal work, which will increase the strength of the lungs in a month. Vaidya KS Dhiman of Center Council Research in Ayurvedic Science is also doing research.

Also effective in preventing pollution :

Subtle particles of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon and monoxide in the air cause asthma by inflammation in the nasal tubes. Patients with COPD have respiratory attack. When oil is injected into the nose, polluted micro particles get stuck in it. A decrease in allergic rhinitis was also found in patients living in a polluted environment.

Charaka Samhita mentions the method of preventing polluted particles by adding oil to nose. It will also prevent corona and swine flu droplets from reaching the nose. Sesame or molecule oil also increases immunity. Research is also being done in many universities. Oil makes the protection layer in the nose, viruses and bacteria get trapped in it, there is also mention about the same  in Charak Samhita chapter 28 that the virus does not reach the lungs.

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