‘Vaccine Passport’ to be mandatory for foreign traveling! WHO to bring new guidelines soon

New Delhi : Rapid vaccination has begun in the world amid the second wave of corona. With this, discussions about vaccine passports have also intensified. That is, it will be necessary to get vaccinated to travel abroad. There is a possibility that this can be added to the terms of the visa. In view of this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also become active in this direction. It is likely that the organization may issue a detailed guideline regarding this in the coming days after discussions with all countries.

Sources in the Union Health Ministry said that there are reports that some countries are making their own guidelines, which do not include all the existing vaccines. After this, many countries including India have put this issue before the WHO. Although the WHO is not in favour of adding the condition of vaccine mandatory for the visa, there is a possibility that a comprehensive guidelines will be issued on its behalf so that there is no confusion on the issue.

According to sources, most countries want that all the existing vaccines should be included in the vaccination.

Health insurance can become an option: According to sources, WHO is not in favour of accepting it as a necessary condition of travel. However, preference may be given to those who have taken the vaccine. If one has not taken the vaccine, one should have the option to accept the quarantine before entering the country with adequate health insurance.

Lav Aggarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health, recently said that discussions are underway with the WHO regarding vaccine passports and a final decision has not been taken yet. India will put forward its issues in this regard. In fact, there were reports that some countries are not considering Covaxin as part of the vaccine passport.

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