These 7 Reasons Behind Queef Or Vaginal Fart Are Absolutely Normal, Know What & Why

Mumbai : Do you also have curiosity about what vaginal farts? We know sometimes queefs can be very embarrassing, but they are absolutely normal and happen to all women. This is nothing but air trapped in vagina which comes not from inside the body but from outside. There is no smell in this air.

1. Due to sex
When inserting anything (penis, finger, sex toy) into the vagina, sometimes some air gets trapped inside the vagina. During sex, this air gets trapped inside due to movement. This air comes out of the vagina as a fart.

2. Pelvic floor
Although vaginal fart is absolutely normal, it can sometimes be a sign of a serious problem. If there is an obstruction in your urinary tract or fecal tract, or if the organs of the pelvic area get entangled with each other, the vaginal farts occur. However, in such a serious problem you will see pain and other symptoms as well.

Do pelvic floor muscles exercise to avoid such problems.

3. Tampons or menstrual cups
Tampons and menstrual cups used during periods can also cause air to get trapped inside. This air is released automatically when removing the tampon. Even when stretching or exercising, this air escapes as a fart.

4. During Gynecological Check Up
If you went to the Gynecologist for a check-up, there may be a wind trap during the physical examination, which later exits.

5. Exercise
Even during a stretching or exercise, air is trapped in the vagina. During exercise of the lower body, vagina relaxes due to which air can easily get trapped inside.

6. Delivery
According to an article published in the journal ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology, vaginal farts occur during delivery.

7. Vaginal Fistula
Fistula is a condition when a hollow space is formed between two organs. If you have a lot of queefs and feel weird in the vagina, then the reason for this may be fistula. In such a situation, see your doctor immediately.

How to prevent queef?

The wind that is trapped in the vagina will somehow come out. But you can try that the air doesn’t trap in the vagina. However, there is nothing to panic about vaginal fart. But to avoid embarrassment, you can identify and prevent the cause of wind traps.


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