“The entire opposition will stand together with our Govt” Rahul Gandhi

NP NEWS 24 ONLINE:  After Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted a Cabinet meeting with all top security officials, Former Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh and current President of Congress, Rahul Gandhi addressed the media on the terror attack of Pulwama.

Rahul Gandhi strongly stated that this is not the right time to have political fights. This is the time to come together and stand for all the jawans who lost their lives. The entire opposition will stand together with our jawans and our Govt

“This is a terrible tragedy. This type of violence done against our security forces is absolutely disgusting. The aim of terrorism is to divide this country and we are not going to be divided,” Rahul quoted.

Former Prime Minister said “Today is the day of mourning. Our country has lost close to 40 armed forces jawans and our foremost duty is to convey to their families that we are with them. We shall never compromise with the terrorist forces.”

Narendra Modi strongly believes “If our neighbor, which is totally isolated in the world thinks it can destabilize India through its tactics and conspiracies, then it is making a big mistake.”

On the other hand, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh blames the Pakistan government. “I clearly blame the Pakistan government for this issue. I hope the Indian government gives a befitting reply to those who are behind this crime.  Pakistan Prime Minister (Imran Khan) talks about Kartarpur Corridor, but their army chief does something else. Pakistan needs to change its strategy.”

Former Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah believes J&K Governor failed in his primary responsibility.

The mortal remains of the CRPF personnel killed in an audacious terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama, will be sent to their homes across the country today afternoon, said officials.

Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley stated “There is incontrovertible evidence against Pakistan in this attack.”

According to the sources, India could immediately announce a number of diplomatic measures against Pakistan, including scrapping the Katarpur Corridor.

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