Pune Weather: Winter is around the corner; State to experience cold weather after October heat

PUNE: NpNews24 Online – It is snowing in north India and the weather is changing in the city. The maximum and minimum temperatures are decreasing. Winter will set in after November 15 and this year, winter will be normal, said IMD scientist Dr Ramchandra Sable. At present, weather in Pune and other parts of the state is changing. The effect of October heat is reducing and the winter is around the corner. (Pune Weather)


The temperatures are reducing in the state and citizens are experiencing the chill in the morning. However, October heat is being felt in many parts of the state. The minimum temperature is expected to reduce in the state and it is expected that this will increase the intensity of the chilly weather.


There is fog early in the morning and evening in many areas in the state. The IMD has predicted that the weather will be dry for the next five days in the state. In Jalgaon, the minimum temperature has reduced to 13.2 degrees Celsius. The IMD has said that it may reduce further.


At present, it is snowing in Jammu and Kashmir and hence, cold winds are blowing towards the state. Dr Sable said that winter will set in after November 15.

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