Nirbhaya : Convict’s Family Did Not Claim the Dead Bodies, May be Cremated in Tihar Jail

New Delhi : The four criminals of Nirbhaya were hanged at 5.30 am today. The bodies of the four have been sent for postmortem. Meanwhile, the Tihar administration has asked the families of the four convicts to take the dead body.

However, so far no claims have been made by the family of the four criminals. In such a situation, only the Tihar administration can conduct the last rites of the four corpses. In the jail number three where all four have been hanged, they can be cremated.

The prison will hand over clothes and belongings to family –
Meanwhile, before being hanged, the four convicts of Nirbhaya did not express their last wish. Tihar Jail Administration says that the money earned by the convicts in the jail will be given to their families. Apart from this, their clothes and all their belongings will also be given to their families.

All the four convicts of Nirbhaya were hanged in Tihar Jail at around 5.30 am today. The four convicts of Nirbhaya, Vinay, Akshay, Mukesh and Pawan Gupta were hanged together and now their bodies will be taken for postmortem.

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