Neighbours First…?

NP NEWS 24 ONLINE – In recent past, India has been facing various problems with his small neighboring countries. Economic blockade in Nepal-India bonder deteriorated relation between India and Nepal. New Oli government is slightly favoring to China. Nepal’s new Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli are giving more importance to a bilateral partnership between Chinese -Nepalese foreign policy than Indian and Nepalese foreign policy. The Maldives has developed a close relationship with China. This axis threatened peace in the Indian Ocean region.

Also, the new Rajpakshe government in Sri Lanka is not favoring India due to historical problems like the civil war in Sri Lanka. Thus India must rethink on neighborhood policy. Because of the stability of neighbors as well as cordial relationship are essential for healthy development of India and to maintain peace in Asia.

India must proactively try to undo its big brother image by unilaterally supporting small neighbors in terms of capital, technology, etc.  Indian look east policy converted in act east policy during Modi Government. India should go with southeast countries because they are also approaching for good relation with India. Now the day’s all southeast countries also interested in doing trade with India. We must remember Gujarat doctrine to maintain good relations with small neighbors.

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