Negligence of the hospital, patient kept splashing like a fish without oxygen and then died in 2 hours

MUMBAI : 7 patients of Corona died in Jogeshwari Hospital in Mumbai within 2 hours on Saturday. According to the information, all the patients died due to a low oxygen level. One nurse said, ‘We have never seen such a scene in my career. It was seen in the indicator that the oxygen level has come down. Patients were having trouble breathing, they were panting. Immediately informed the doctor, but by the time the oxygen level was corrected with the help of a technician in the ICU, the patients succumbed. However, the doctor denied that the patients died due to low oxygen levels.

Death figures are increasing rapidly in Mumbai.

2,940 new cases of coronavirus were reported in Maharashtra on Saturday, bringing the number of cases in the state to 65,168. 99 more patients died. The number of dead in the state has now reached 2,197. Of the 99 deaths on Saturday, 54 have occurred in Mumbai alone. Out of a total of 2,940 new patients revealed on Saturday, 1,510 have come from Mumbai alone.

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