If You Want To Enjoy Sex For A Long Time, Then Follow This Method

Mumbai: Every married couple has only one question in their mind that how will they be able to enjoy sex for a long time. But this question is not right, it depends on you how long you will enjoy sex activity. Actually, this question usually comes to mind because of watching porn. But the truth is that normally it takes 30 minutes to establish a complete love relationship, but it may not be the same for everyone, there may be a slight time violation. If you are not able to remain excited for more than 3 minutes while having sex then it means that you have a physical or sex-related problem. To get relief from these problems, you can pay attention to these things, which will help you to have sex for a long time.

1. Consume More Fruits & Vegetables – Studies show that men who eat vegetarian food are able to enjoy sex for a longer period of time than men who eat meat. Because the nutrition they get by consuming fruits and vegetables helps in providing strength and energy in performing sex activity.

• By eating banana before having sex, you will be able to enjoy sex for a longer time. Because the potassium and glucose in bananas helps in enjoying sex to the fullest.

• Amla juice is rich in zinc and iron, by taking it regularly, it helps to increase the capacity of sperm (sperm) as well as helps enjoy sex.

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