Coronavirus : Cristiano Ronaldo’s Teammate Tests Positive, More Than 4500 Deaths Worldwide

New Delhi : npnews24 :  Coronavirus, which has taken the form of an epidemic in China, is now spreading worldwide. The fear is being seen in the name of coronavirus. Suspects have been feared in many countries including China. According to separate reports, the worldwide death toll from the deadly corona virus has reached more than 4500. Now its effect is also visible in India. A total of 73 cases have been found positive in India so far.

Meanwhile, Portugal’s star footballer Cristiano Ronaldo’s fellow player defender Daniele Rugani has been infected by Corona. Giving information in this matter, the club said that Rugani’s test report came positive. But there is nothing to worry. The club has started searching for people who met Rugani. Both Ronaldo and Daniel play for Juventus. They have been kept under special supervision. However, Ronaldo is currently in Portugal. Due to this epidemic, 827 people have been killed in Italy, while around 12 thousand people have been infected, including some of the players of Seri C.

Players are being advised to take special precautions to avoid this. Till Wednesday, more than 1 lakh 24 thousand people had been infected with coronavirus while more than 4500 people have died in 113 countries and regions.

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