Burn not candles, but rapist: #justicetoeveryvictim

Hyderabad: npnews24 Online – The whole nation is shaken by the news of the rape of Dr. Priyanka Reddy in Hyderabad. This incidence is making people ask for justice. Priyanka was raped and burnt and so the question arouses, ‘ why are the candles burnt but not the rapist?’

It’s time to take “quick’ actions against the assailants. These assailants should be hanged to death without taking a single minute and thinking about ‘how and why they did this? ‘ It’s about the crime, and no one has the right to touch anyone’s body without their permission may it be a boy or a girl. Social media is a place where a common man can give his opinions, views on every part of the world. The same way people are taking a stand and giving their bit to help Priyanka get justice against this rape,  through their social media accounts.

There are many social media posts saying this,  “why do we always need to burn candles? rather burn the rapist, no one would dare to rape again”. People are standing and having their opinions about this incidence. this incidence has created a lot of fierce reactions against rape on social media. People are using” #Riphumanity #weneedmorebetter# Rippriyankareddy ” such hashtag signs to show their stand and the want for justice against this rape case.

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