Unbelievable ! 526 teeth in a 7-year-old’s mouth

NPnews24 online : Chennai – The little boy was suffering from a rare case of “compound composite ondontome”, and he has astounding 526 teeth extracted from the mouth of seven-year-old boy n a rare surgery performed at the city’s Saveetha Dental College and Hospital.

Boy brought to hospital with a swelling in his lower right jaw.The parents first noticed the swelling when the boy was three years old. But they didn’t bother much as the swelling wasn’t, Much then and the boy did not cooperate with investigative procedure either.

After giving general anesthesia and saw a bag/sack inside, The sack, weighing about 200 grams, was carefully removed and was later found to contain 526 teeth small, medium and in big sized.The boy feels normal three days after surgery, “Said Pratibha Ramani Professor and Head of the Department.

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