4 Things to Consider When Buying a New Laptop


Which laptop should I buy? Is this a good laptop brand? These are the frequent questions asked by many who are planning to get themselves a new laptop. No matter what your price range is, there are simply a lot of various types of laptops. More to the point, since there is no one type of user, we guess it is safe to say that there’s no single best laptop as well, right?


Each one of us has different preferences and likes. Tech-savvy people care more about the laptop’s specs, while others care more about the brand or the screen. So, when consumers ask which laptop is the best, there’s no correct answer. Instead, just ask them which criteria they are looking for in a laptop.


In this article, we will be giving you four things to consider when buying a new laptop. Before you go splurging for your new laptop, take some time to research and think about getting the most out of the money you will be spending. 

Screen Quality

Since you’ll be spending a lot of time in front of your laptop screens, you would probably want something painless to look at, right? For this, you will need a screen that gives you a natural feeling and comfortable to look at. To start with, maybe you would want to consider buying a touchscreen laptop. This feature would make some tasks easier to do, and this feature is now pretty common on laptops.


Unfortunately, going for a touchscreen laptop can occasionally add a little glossiness to the screen. Though this may not come with all touchscreen laptops, glossier displays are more susceptive to glare. This can be a little bit of a drawback, especially when you’re a hardcore gamer.


One of the criteria that people look for when buying a new laptop is the battery life or longevity. This is the duration of your laptop or how long it lasts without being charged in much simpler terms. So, if you’re looking for a laptop with best battery life, you better do some asking or look at consumer’s feedback on the laptop you’re opting for. An average of eight to 10 hours of being unplugged can be more than enough for a regular person.


Regardless of how good the specs are, laptops would be useless if they can’t last long being unplugged to its charger. A good laptop would usually last for more than eight hours unplugged. Lucky for you, there are certain laptop brands that focus on battery life.


Today, 8GB of RAM should be the minimum if you plan to buy yourself a new laptop. However, if you’re into games, a minimum of 16GB to 32GB should be more than enough to have excellent gaming experience.


Higher RAM enables you to open more applications simultaneously, for more data to be swiftly accessible by your computer at any given time. This would be handy whenever you are editing video content or photos.


HDD used to be all the rage, but now, SSD is what people are looking for. SSDs give you a faster speed than HDDs, give you silent runs, and don’t add much weight to your laptops. However, SSDs can be quite costly in terms of dollars-to-gigabytes when compared to HDDs. This means you’ll be enduring low memory storage with only 512GB, 256GB, or 128GB in size, but would be more expensive than 2TB or 1TB of HDD.


So, the next time you buy a laptop, take time to do some research. Always think about getting the most out of the money you’ll be spending. It doesn’t hurt to research or create a list of what you want for a laptop. 


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