Unity of Meditation Technique Can Help to Maintain World Peace – Dr. Alex Hankey 



“Unity of meditation technique can help to maintain World Peace. The Maharishi Effect shows that if 1% of the population meditates, it produces measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. Islamic sufi used to gather together in groups and meditate. The same can be practised at World Peace Dome to fulfil the motto of World Peace” Dr. Alex Hankey- theoretical physicist said at MIT-WPU and MIT-ADTU’s second day of World Peace Parliament.

After the inauguration of Saint Dnyaneshwar World Peace Dome on 150th anniversary of  Late Mahatma Gandhi, the World Peace Parliament of Science, Spirituality and Philosophy was led ahead with the eminent presence of speakers, thinkers and philosophers at MIT-ADT University, Loni-Kalbhor.

The topic was given for the fifth session on second day of conclave was “Non-Duality (Advait)”as the Philosophy of Science, to Realize the nature of the self through the Universal Equation Aum= E=mc2.”

Present on the dais included the dignitaries as followed: Founder President of MIT-WPU Dr Vishwanath Karad, Chairman Vijay Bhatkar, Theoretical Physicist- Dr Alex Hankey, Writer- Historian- Dr. Lari Azad, Vice Chancellor of Ramkrishna Mission University- Swami Atmapriyananda, Vice Chacellor of Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University- Prof. Shrinivas Varakhedi, Dean at School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies- Prof. Girishnath Jha, Consultant Neurosurgeon- Dr. Deepak Ranade, Prof. Dr. Joske Bunders.

Dr. Vijay Bhatkar said, “Science is all about the discoveries. Nature has witnessed many changes since its existence and these changes are the rule of nature. Science is necessary for new inventions and it is all about the discovery of scientific equation.”

Dr. Lari Azad in his speech said, “Here at MIT-WPU’s World we can see the statues of Philosophers, Scientists, and Religious Leaders all at one place. Do you believe they would have ever restricted their thoughts particular to one nation or one community? They have contributed their lives for the goodness of whole humankind. Today, when the world is on fire, we have to come forward and spread the message of peace and humanity.”

Vice Chancellor of Ramkrishna Mission University- Swami Atmapriyananda said, ” Einstein proposed during 20th century (E=MC2 i.e everything in this universe is a one single energy) is the same thing.”

He added, “Suffix and Prefix are Shanti Mantras. Dukh means Ashanti and Sukh means Shanti. The way a person needs physical energy; there is indeed a need of mental energy too. Similarly to feel the happiness, spiritual energy is much needed.”

Comparing the spirituality with internet connectivity, he said, “Yoga is a must need for spiritual internet connectivity. Spiritual Mantras are password to it. This provided human with continuous source of energy.”

Prof. Shrinivas Varakhedi said, “When I speak inside this dome, I feel the sound reflecting and coming back to the ears, which affects our mind, the purpose of saying this is that this world is also a dome and it reflects the thoughts or the words you utter from your mind or your mouth.”

He further said, “We are living in peace divided world. These all statues installed at MIT-WPU’s World Peace Dome give one common message of Peace. Even after 75 years of freedom, we have failed to form Gandhi’s Ramrajya. We are still the Manasputras of Britishers.”

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Prof. Girish Nath Jha said, ” AUM is the fundamental universal sound. If we divide this word into three parts, it becomes as follows. A: Aaaa, U: Uuuu, M: Mmm. Hence AUM is the combination of three different sounds, Aa, Uu & Mm. These three sounds have been called as the universal sounds and all the other sounds which exist in the creation are essentially the emergent sounds of these three sounds. AUM is a very significant & auspicious sound.”

Dr. Deepak Ranade said, “If you study the quantum mechanics fundamentals, you will come to know that the quantum mechanics talk about three fundamental actions which are happening at all levels within the universe. These three actions are Creative action, Maintenance action & Destructive action. If you pay little deep attention and think about it, you will find that everything in this universe is revolving around these three actions only.”

He further adde, “Many mental and psychological problems can be cured just by the daily chanting of AUM mantra on a regular basis. Problems like lack of concentration, anxiety, anger, stress, inability to sit quietly, fear etc. can easily be cured.”

Prof. Dr. Joske Bunders said,”In the field of education, research is more important which will help to dig into finding the path of World Peace and Human Kind.”

Prof. Gautam Bapat concluded the fifth session of World Peace Parliament’s second day’s conclave.

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