Reasons Why Women Usually Does Not Get Satisfied in Sex Life

Sex plays an important role in the relationship. But in many cases, women do not appear to be satisfied with their sex life. She hesitates to talk about it openly but it makes her badly frustrated inside. After all, what are the reasons that can make a woman’s sex life dissatisfied ?

Decreased attachment

If the woman does not feel your love, affection and respect for her in the relationship then her attachment will decrease rapidly. In such a situation, she cannot even think about physical intimacy. Even if they are included, they will not enjoy it at all.

Being too busy

Most women have to perform not only work but also household chores and family responsibilities. It starts taking not only mental but also physical toll on them. When this happens, she experiences constant tiredness and stress. In such a situation, it becomes difficult for them to get intimate.

Boring or emotionless sex

Sex life becomes boring or love in intimacy and not feeling any kind of emotion makes the woman emotionally overcome. If you are getting involved in sex only for physical satisfaction with your partner, then, believe me, they will realize it. When this happens, women begin to distance themselves emotionally and physically.

Not feel sexy

Women are quite sensitive about their look. Increased weight, or the partner’s lack of attention and love can reduce their confidence in their body. In this case, she will not be able to become comfortable at all during sexual activity, which will make this intimacy a bad experience for her.

Sexual frustration

Most women do not feel comfortable telling their partners what they like and not during sex. This obstructs their pleasure and orgasm, which can cause frustration.


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