Porn not allowed in JIO network after Porn Ban by High Court  

NP NEWS 24 online– The government has directed Internet service providers to block 827 websites that host pornographic content following an order by the Uttarakhand High Court.

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While the Uttarakhand High Court has asked to block 857 websites, the Ministry of Electronics and IT (Meity) found 30 portals without any pornographic content.

“I’ve been trying to load a few of the porn sites but none of them seems to load on the Jio network. Is it just me or are you people facing the same issues,” one Reddit user wrote.

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Hundreds of people replied saying that they too were facing problems, and many commented to access the porn websites on Jio people should use a VPN, hinting that the ban is at the local and ISP level.

It is possible that Jio and other internet service providers in the country are banning porn sites in India to comply with this DoT directive.

However, as it happens every time India decides to ban a few websites, the whole process again seems to be secretive and there is no clarity on what is happening where.

In India, thousands of websites — porn sites, sites with political content, sites with extreme content, file hosts etc — are banned but there is clarity on how many such sites are there in the block list and why. Most sites in India are banned after court orders, most of the time issued in response to anti-piracy petitions filed by Bollywood movie producers.

The high court order was issued on September 27, 2018, and it was received by Meity on October 8. Meity informed the DoT that the Uttarakhand High Court has ordered for blocking 857 websites contained in an old notice of DoT dated July 31, 2015.

The DoT had changed its order on August 4, 2015, to ISP saying that the ISPs are free not to disable any of the 857 web links which do not have child pornographic content.

two years back the government of India tried to ban the porn sites from India on the day of valentines but even that didn’t last for long. Now let’s see how long this porn ban continues.

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