Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

I miss you

When I don’t see you.

Sugar is sweet

And so are you.

Doesn’t this sound too old school?

Rather than carrying these fragrances in hand. Slip it in your pockets for a safer you.

Well, in fact if you’re going Dutch then read ahead.

Roses are red,

Pizza sauce is too.

I ordered a large one,

But none of it is for you.

Now this sounds in.

That’s too much talking – how about a coffee? It’s just not to beat deadlines. Boss, urbanites can ask you for a coffee for any damn reason. Believe me, a coffee can just be a disguise, asking for a date is too retrograde, a coffee can get you anything and everything. Either you get paid or laid for a coffee – it’s just that your personal space is going outdoors. Now you can proudly say coffee is in the air rather than love is in the air.

Catch hold of one good girl with plentiful pretty friends to visit coffee shops often to try the flavours. Thereafter you earn a reputation with a type of coffee you hold on to.

A latte is just to smell it right,

Cappuccino takes you to another level of it,

You need to be a macho to handle mocha,

Americano is just going blind on coffee, if you’re loving it neat.

Espresso will keep you wide awake like an owl for nights to go,

Irish coffee is just a cocktail, it takes you high enough to make you fly.

Filter kapi just makes you nostalgic with beans to cultures.

Cold coffee is just to satiate your mood to hot and cold.

Coffee is best served with cookies and tea with toasties.

Don’t get mixed up!

Coffee shops are styled with various elements drawn from a number of contemporary and classic design schools. The interiors here are quite dominant depicting  a conflict of decades. The burnt amber shade is a must have here to remind you of coffee and good earth. There is a good blend of post modern era and vintage vibes coming together with an aroma of daylight breaking through the task lighting. These are cross coordinated to set up a mood to smell before you sip. Trust me if interiors here is dished out well , nothing serves better just than a dash of free flowing Wi-Fi .You can’t complain a lack of company if coffee is served with good network reception. The mugs holding the seeded and ground aroma with a blend also comes  quoted to please you while you kiss to sip. The comfortable sink in seating ensures that you get to work on your laptop, to share a mail or chat, to schedule a meeting and even fix up an alliance or venture. You are simply playing with your pace here!

Either you sip or spill a coffee, it sets it all. So come on urbanites  give it up to just a cup of coffee having  on all the days ending with Y. So now you never ask, “why coffee?”

Akshata Patne

When this bright and professional interior designer is not servicing some of the top clients, she is at her wittiest best! Meet blogger Akshata Patne – interior designer par excellence by day, and blogger extraordinaire afterwards! She has been a part of several prestigious projects and is an avid academician in the field of reading and writing. Her repertoire includes bringing children back to books with reading classes that she conducts at top schools.

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