Coronavirus Gujarat: GTU survey reveals 43.9 per cent people suffered from stress, 39.6 per cent from anger

Ahmedabad : A digital survey was conducted by the NSS department of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) regarding the social, economic and psychological impact of the current situation of COVID19 on mankind. 43.9 per cent of people were stressed. While 5.7% people have not been able to get out of it till today. 41.5 per cent of people did not experience any effect of stress.

From September to November, GTU NSS volunteers covered 3500 students of 100 units in 33 districts across Gujarat conducted a digital survey on the impact of COVID19, covering various issues such as stress, insomnia, anger, indifference, self-confidence to solve personal problems, health due to current situation.

About 43.9 per cent of people have no problem with insufficient sleep, but 36.9% of people suffer from this problem. While 5.5 per cent people are still suffering from this problem. 36.2 per cent of people were worried about the cause of this condition. While 7% of people are still worried today. Anger and apathy were more prevalent in individuals with the highest psychological impact. Anger and apathy were found to be 39.6% and 42.9 per cent, respectively. While 12.7% people are feeling angry and 11.4 per cent people are feeling indifferent. 10% of people are still terrified of Covid-19. While 38.1% of people were found to be in a state of panic.

In the case of COVID19, 41.4 per cent of the respondents were positive about their ability to solve personal problems. While 15.5% were unable to do so. As a whole, 25.5 per cent of people are still affected by the health and mental health effects of Covid19.

More than 2050 people in the 5 age group category from across the state were surveyed by GTU NSS volunteers. There were 1405 males and more than 645 females. The highest number of 1300 people in the age group of 16-20 years joined. While 561 people in the age group of 21-30 years, 140 people in the age group of 31-40 years, 39 people in the age group of 41-50 years and 10 people in the age group of 51-60 years participated in this survey. In this regard, GTU Chancellor Prof. Dr. Naveen Seth said that GTU is at the forefront of performing socially useful functions in various ways. The survey was conducted by the NSS department to help the society. Which will create awareness among the people regarding corona. GTU registrar Dr. K. N. Khere also appealed to the people to be aware and prevent corona infection and stay mentally healthy.

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