British opposition calls for vote on holding second referendum

London, Jan 22 (IANS) Britain’s opposition Labour Party said the House of Commons should be able to vote on whether to hold a second referendum in an amendment it submitted to Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit update.It is the first time Labour has asked MPs to formally consider a second poll although the amendment on Monday night did not commit the party’s leadership to back a referendum if such a vote were to take place, reports the Guardian.The amendment called for May’s government to hold a vote on two options – its alternative Brexit plan and whether to legislate “to hold a public vote on a deal or a proposition” that is supported by a majority in the Commons. The party’s alternative Brexit plan, which would be the subject of a separate vote if the amendment were carried, proposes that the UK remain in a post-Brexit customs union with the European Union (EU) and have a strong relationship with the single market. Citizens’ rights and consumer standards would be harmonised with the EU’s.Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said: “Our amendment will allow MPs to vote on options to end this Brexit deadlock and prevent the chaos of a no-deal. “It is time for Labour’s alternative plan to take centre stage, while keeping all options on the table, including the option of a public vote.”But second referendum campaigners criticized the alternative Brexit plan, the Guardian said. The People’s Vote campaign said on Monday night that it was one of a series of Brexit promises – like no-deal – that were being made with “little regard for what could actually be delivered”.A total of 71 Labour MPs declared they supported a second referendum.The amendment announcement comes after May on Monday evening provided a “Plan B” in an effort to break the ongoing deadlock over Brexit negotiations. She sought the EU for further concessions on a plan to prevent customs check on the Irish border.–IANSksk/mr

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