US envoy in Pakistan to discuss Afghan peace process

Islamabad, June 3 (IANS) US Special Representative for Afghanistan reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad arrived in Islamabad to hold meetings with Pakistan leadership and discuss the Afghan peace process.

After his arrival on Sunday, Khalilzad attended a Pakistan-US consultative meeting at the Foreign Office here in an effort for abiding peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan, reports Geo News.

“Matters of mutual interest including the Afghan Peace process came under discussion In line with Prime Minister’s vision, Pakistan reiterated its commitment for peace,” said Foreign Office spokesperson Mohammad Faisal.

“It encouraged all sides to seize the moment to end the prolonged conflict through political settlement.”
The US delegation met the civil and military leadership, while Khalizad is expected to later meet Foreign Secretary Sohail Mehmood during his visit.

Khalizad will travel to Afghanistan, Belgium, Germany, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates from May 31 to June 16, as part of an overall effort to facilitate a peace process that ends the conflict in Afghanistan.


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