Uptick in diabetes, thyroid in India in 2019: Report

By Siddhi JainNew Delhi, Jan 21 (IANSlife) As India registered an increase in lifestyle diseases including diabetes and thyroid, a new report suggests that women are unhealthier than men, and Chandigarh is the healthiest city while Kolkata unhealthiest city for the second year in a row.As per the GOQii India Fit Report 2020, diabetes has increased from 7.1 to 12 per cent this year. “The incidence of diabetes is highest among older adults at 23.81 per cent and seniors at 36.82 per cent. As per the report, 13.5 per cent of Indians have cholesterol issues.”Currently 36 per cent of the people who have high cholesterol have heart issues too while 51.7 per cent of the people who have diabetes have abnormal cholesterol too. This past year, thyroid issues have increased from 6.8 to 10.7 per cent. The report also suggests that 13.4 per cent of the people in India have high blood pressure,” GOQii, a smart-tech enabled preventive healthcare platform, said.As per the report, 27 per cent of India has acidity and indigestion issues.Speaking city-wise, 18 per cent people in Kolkata are diabetic followed by Surat and Bhopal. Kolkata also has the largest aging population in the country, the most people with acidity, and the highest incidence of lifestyle diseases, while Bhopal has the highest percentage of people who consume alcohol.The report has collected data from a cross-section of 5 million GOQii app users across 16 cities.Interestingly, it also took the study of longevity under its ambit, and reveals what some of India’s oldest people attribute their longevity to.Turns out, the secret to a long life is – eating nutritious food, staying active, socializing and sound sleep. These attributes were the common contributing factors for leading a long and healthy life according to 90-year olds and centenarians.The elderly people also believed that eating home-cooked and fresh, local and seasonal vegetarian meals at fixed and regular intervals played an important role in their day-to-day regimen. Dairy, especially milk, curd and ghee emerged as kitchen superheroes for this age group.The centurions also believed that having a hobby, being social and content enhanced the quality of their lives. (Siddhi Jain can be contacted at [email protected] )–IANSsj/

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