Trump Gave ‘This’ Special Gift to Guide Nitin Singh Before Leaving, Read in Detail

Agra : US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump had went to Agra after meeting people in Ahmedabad. There, his guide was Nitin Singh who succeed to win US President Donald Trump’s praise and received a gift in return. This gift was very special on which, Donald Trump’s name was written. Also the White House logo was made on it. While looking at the Taj Mahal in Agra, Trump asked him seven questions and Nitin gave the right answers to all of Trump’s questions. Which made Trump happy and gave this special gift to him. On Monday, Donald Trump went to see the Taj Mahal in Agra. A lot of questions were arising in Trump’s mind while watching the Taj Mahal.

Then Trump asked his guide Nitin Singh all these questions. Nitin gave the right answers to the seven questions asked by Trump. While watching the Taj Mahal, Donald Trump asked Nitin Singh seven questions. These questions were – Who built the Taj Mahal? Where did the artists who made it come from? Where was Shah Jahan imprisoned? Where did the marble in the Taj come from? What has been changed in the Taj Mahal so far? Are the water channels of Shah Jahan’s time or later? Were the tombs built in the basement first or later? Nitin Singh answered these seven questions asked by Trump with great patience and decency. In return, being happy, Donald Trump gave a memento to Nitin Singh. There is a seal mark on the symbol given by Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s name and the logo of the United States are also printed on it.

Trump asked Nitin what is this painting on the Taj Mahal. Nitin replied that it is not a painting, it is called mosaic. Meaning, it is a marble on which precious stones are studded. Trump asked Nitin what is the story of the original tombs in the basement of the Taj Mahal and the tombs built above. Then Nitin replied to him that decorating of tombs is not allowed in Islam. For this reason, Shah Jahan had made a replica of different ornamental tombs above. Nitin Singh told Trump that the water channel in the Taj Mahal runs through the siphon system and the water siphon system has been in place since the time of the Taj Mahal. Artisans were called from all over the world to build the Taj Mahal.

Nitin Singh informed Trump that the marble Makrana and black stones used to build the Taj Mahal were sourced from South India. Trump also obtained information about the double dome built in the Taj Mahal, the sound resonating in it, the royal mosque and Guest house. Nitin Singh narrated the entire story of the Taj Mahal’s formation to Trump as of the date. Apart from this, Nitin also told stories of love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal to Trump.

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