‘This’ College will Impose Fine on Wearing Burqa, Strict Instructions to Students

NP NEWS 24 : Patna: A college in Bihar has issued instructions to implement dress code in a college in which it is stated that all the students have to come to the college in the prescribed dress code every day except Saturday.  Students cannot wear ‘Burqa’ in college. If anyone comes wearing a burqa, she will have to pay a fine of Rs. 250. JD Women’s College, Patna has issued this instruction to students.

However, the girls have raised an objection on this rule. She believes that the rule is being inforced on them.  According to the media report, the college principal said that this announcement was made in front of the students at the time of orientation of the new session. This rule is designed to bring uniformity among the girl students. He further said that the students can come wearing a Burqa, but after entering the campus, they will have to remove and then only sit in the class.

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