Taiwan extends level-3 Covid alert to July 26

Taipei, July 9 (IANS) Taiwan will extend its level-3 Covid-19 alert to July 26, while allowing some regulations to ease for commencing more social activities from next week, the island’s disease monitoring agency said.Given the risks of community spread, the current level-3 alert imposed until July 12 will last for another two weeks, the agency said on Thursday.However, starting from July 13, some of the restrictions on daily and social activities will ease, Xinhua news agency. Restaurants will be allowed to provide dine-in services contingent on the seating arrangements adhering to social distancing rules and plastic shields between tables.Customers must wear masks at all times, except when eating and drinking.Also, from July 13, some scenic spots and facilities such as galleries, museums, cinemas and gyms may reopen once social distancing regulations are in place. People must also wear masks at all times.However, entertainment venues such as nightclubs, bars and ballrooms will remain closed.Taiwan reported 21 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, including 18 local infections, as well as three deaths from the disease.The total number of confirmed cases on the island has risen to 15,149, while the death toll stood at 718, the agency said.–IANSksk/

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