Scientist who discovered Ebola warns of more deadly virus ‘Disease-X’ in future

New York: A scientist who discovered the Ebola virus cautioned about many potentially fatal and deadly viruses in a dire warning to humanity. These viruses are likely to be discovered in the future. Speaking to the media in the DRC’s capital, Kinshasa, professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfumgave an alarming warning about many more deadly diseases that can transmit from animals to humans. He also warned that these viruses can pose mysterious health and life risks.

According to Tamfum, diseases such as yellow fever, various forms of influenza, rabies, brucellosis, and Lyme disease had all jumped from rodents or insects to humans and have led to an outbreak of pandemics or epidemics.

The scientist has issued a warning that the world should soon be ready for this new disease. Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfumgave has claimed in an interview that the disease named Disease-X is present in many parts of the world and people in the Congo have been found suffering from this disease by scientist Jean-Jacques Muyembe.

Professor Jean has named this epidemic as Disease-X and has stated that it is quite fatal. Professor Jean had discovered the Ebola virus in the year 1976. Jean said, “Today we are in a world where new viruses will come out, and these viruses will become a threat to humanity.” He said that I believe that the future epidemic will be more dangerous than the coronavirus and it will be more devastating. Earlier, a female patient has been seen with the symptoms of hemorrhagic in Igando, Congo. The Ebola test of this patient was conducted but it has come negative. Doctors fear that she is the first patient of ‘Disease X’. He said that the new virus can spread like corona rapidly, but the death toll from it is 50 to 90 percent more than Ebola.

WHO currently called Disease-X as fiction
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), scientists say that the Disease-X pandemic is still a concept, but if there is a similar disease then there will be a huge challenge to prevent it from spreading worldwide. Professor Jean had taken the blood sample of the mysterious virus-affected patient for the first time, which was later named Ebola. When Ebola virus was first detected, 88 percent of patients and 80 percent of its employees died in the Yambuku Mission Hospital.

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