SBI asks customer to beware of the WhatsApp Cyber Attacks

New Delhi: State Bank of India (SBI) has issued an alert for those using the social messaging app Whatsapp. According to this, a small mistake on WhatsApp can cause a dent in your bank account. Cyber criminals can blow money from your account by calling or messaging on this app. During the Corona period, a significant increase in such crimes has been recorded.

SBI told the customers that the bank never calls the customer and asks for personal details of their account. In such a situation, if WhatsApp asks for such information through call or message, email or message, then be immediately alert. It is an attempt to cheat you. Apart from this, no lottery offer or lucky customer gift is given by the bank. In such a situation, if someone gives you such offers then be careful.

The bank said that the cyber thugs only wait for your mistake. Money will be blown out of your account as soon as you make a mistake. In such a situation, do not rely solely on fake calls or forward messages. The cyber criminal informs the customer about winning the lottery and tries to cheat by luring them for exciting gifta. People are asked to download an app or their account details.

In a tweet, SBI alerted – Customers are now being targeted on WhatsApp. Don’t let cyber criminals fool you! Please be aware and stay vigilant. SBI is continuously working on it safety and security mechanisms to promote secure banking.State Bank of India, while alerting all customers, has advised to make other people aware also to avoid this type of fraud.

Earlier, SBI in month of July alerted customer of the cyber attacks through a video. SBI says the financial service sector has always been a target for cybercrime
In the post SBI has advised citizens to report such cases of banking cyber frauds either to the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal or to the local police authorities. In a short video clip shared on SBI’s official Twitter handle, the bank warned and gave few tips on how to be safe from the cyber attack.

1) If you have received fraud calls, emails and texts requesting your personal details or requesting you to make urgent payment.

2) If your bank accounts show transactions you did not perform.

3) If you have shared your personal information or account specific information with anyone.

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