Repeal farm laws in coming Parliament session: CPI-M

New Delhi, Jan 27 (IANS) The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) on Wednesday reiterated its demand for the repeal of the three contentious farm laws, while hitting out at the government over the violence during the farmers’ tractor parade on Tuesday.In a statement, the CPI-M Politburo said: “The Politburo of the CPI-M, once again, calls upon the Central government to immediately announce the repeal of these laws and move towards this end in the forthcoming budget session of the Parliament.”It hailed the tractor parade organised by farmers’ unions on the Republic Day and said that over a lakh tractors participated with many lakhs of farmers peacefully moving on the agreed routes for the parade.CPI-M General Secretary Sitaram Yechury said: “The mammoth Kisan Republic Day tractor parade on agreed routes in Delhi evoked a massive nation wide response of solidarity protests. “In all states in the country, similar parades and other actions of solidarity took place in a big manner. This struggle emphatically reiterated that these farm laws must be repealed and the MSP must be legislated as the legal right of all farmers in the country.”The statement said that the CPI-M extends its full solidarity and support to the Samyukta Kisan Morcha’s decision to continue the peaceful struggle till these retrograde farm laws are repealed.”The untoward incidents that occurred cannot detract the focus from the main demand. These incidents, handiwork of agent provocators, some with links to the ruling party, have been denounced by the entire farmers’ movement.” At the same time, even on the agreed routes for the tractor parade, the police obstructed by resorting to lathi-charges and tear gassing at various places, provoking naturally an angry reaction. Such police actions cannot be condoned,” it said.–IANSmiz/vd

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