Rahul hugged PM Modi on the advice of Tantrik: Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga


While discussing the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha, Congress President Rahul Gandhi was seen hugging the Prime Minister. Meanwhile, Delhi BJP spokesperson Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga tweeted that Rahul had hugged PM Modi on the advice of a Tantric. Tantric had advised Rahul that if Rahul would touch the prime minister’s chair after his speech, his chances of becoming PM would become stronger.

According to sources, it is believed that There would have been lot more rumours if Rahul Gandhi had come back touching the PM’s chair, for that reason Rahul Gandhi touched his chair on the pretext of hugging Prime Minister Modi.

Bagga further said that Rahul should tell the country whether he really used the support of a Tantric to win the PM elections. Bagga said that if there is a truth in it, then will be called a highly condemnatory act for taking the support of the tantrism and superstition by the national president of Congress.

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