Case registered against youth for sending obscene messages to traffic policewoman

Pune : NpNews24 OnlinePune Crime | An incident of a traffic warden outraging the modesty of a policewoman, by sending her vulgar messages after taking her mobile number, has come to light in Pune. The Koregaon Park police have registered a case against Deepak Raut. The incident happened from August 2021 till now. (Pune Crime)


A 25-year-old woman working in the traffic police department has filed a complaint at the Koregaon Park police station. According to the police, the complainant is a constable in the police department. While working in the traffic department, many times staff have to work together as a part of work.


Hence, she got acquainted with traffic warden Deepak Raut. He had taken the mobile number of the complainant. Raut was released from his responsibility as a traffic warden after 2021.


Despite this, he was calling the complainant from different numbers and abusing her. He was also sending obscene messages to her. Since he did not mend his ways after being warned several times, she has filed a complaint at the police station. PSI Sawant is probing the case.


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