Public Transport can  increase the spread of coronavirus 


Beijing: Public transport has the highest probability to increase the spread of coronavirus as per the report. The report published in the  journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a corona-infected patient in China infected 23 to 67 people at a time in a bus.


The study was carried on people who were boarding two buses to attend a religious gathering in eastern China and got affected with it.  This report has come to light when India has started Unlock 4 from September 1, which exempts public transport such as buses and metro trains.


The authors of this study said that people who boarded a bus were travelling with a coronavirus infected person and the bus had no air circulation. At the same time, people who were boarding the second bus did not show symptoms of the virus.


According to the report, the person who transmitted the virus to other people had no symptoms like cough or fever during the test. All the people also wore masks. It added, the investigation suggests that the coronavirus is highly communicable in closed environments and air circulation is not well.


Another investigation revealed that the virus infection occurred even after a distance of one meter between two dinner tables in Guangzhou city of China.

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