Pakistan Trolled After Its Failed Attempt by Reporting Ladakh Weather Update to Target India… Monkey See, Monkey Do!

New Delhi : India has started reporting weather of Mirpur, Muzaffarabad and Gilgit of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) through government broadcasters Doordarshan and All India Radio. The decision of the Central Government has given important indications of India’s changed strategy to Pakistan. At the same time, India has also given a strong message to the friendly countries of Pakistan on PoK. After which Pakistan has become very angry.

Buoyed by the weather update of PoK on Indian channels, Pakistan responded by broadcasting the weather of Ladakh, but it made such a mistake that Pakistan became a joke. Radio Pakistan is being trolled heavily on Twitter due to a mistake regarding maximum and minimum temperatures. Many users wrote RIP for their common sense. Pakistan’s official broadcaster Radio Pakistan tweeted stating the temperature in Ladakh, but due to this it has to be trolled.

Radio Pakistan tweeted, “The maximum temperature in Ladakh is -4 degree centigrade and the minimum temperature is -1 degree centigrade.” Immediately Twitter users caught the mistake in the maximum and minimum temperatures and launched a scathing attack by sharing memes.

One user wrote, “Wrong .. maximum will be -1 and minimum -4”. Another user wrote, “This has revealed Pakistan’s maximum status and minimum IQ.” One user wrote, “RIP common sense!!! -4 max and -1 min ??? From which planet have you studied science ???” Many other users also taught Pakistan a lesson and advised not to copy India.

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