Novel ‘Half Girlfriend’ banned at railway stations

NPnews24 online: The overly sanskari man is worried that books like Chetan Bhagat’s Half Girlfriend do a disservice to the society by spreading obscenity, so that railways station stalls should sell only books that inspire and not titillate.

A book by Chetan Bhagat ‘Half Girlfriend’ was spotted by man responsible for overseeing passenger amenities at railway stations in India, Rail Yatri Seva Samiti chairman Ramesh Chandra Ratn who was on inspection tour at New Delhi stations, got angry when he came across stall selling famous book, Half Girlfriend.

Immediate he orders that all these books should be removed from railway stations in India. Ratn added that stalls should sell more cultural reading material along with newspaper. Reading of such material gives out wrong message to the country, which leads to bad behavior and crime against women.

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