No hatred for others: Rahul on Father Rajiv Anniversary

Npnews24 online: On the 28th death anniversary of former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi, Congress President and Rajiv Gandhi Son Rahul Gandhi expressed love and gratitude for his father.

Taking on twitter, Rahul said, “My father was gentle, loving, kind and affectionate. He taught me to love and respect all beings. To never hate. To forgive. I miss him. On his death anniversary, I remember my father with love and gratitude.

Late Prime Minister who served as Nation Head of government from 1984 to 1989, post assassination of his mother he took over to the New Delhi office, Gandhi still remember as the country youngest prime minister in record.

Rajiv was killed in 1991 while he was campaigning in Tamil Nadu for next round of paramilitary election by (LTTE) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam suicide bomber. He was cremated in Delhi.

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