Mega cabinet reshuffle gets majority Indians’ support

New Delhi, July 9 (IANS) A majority of people have given a thumbs up to the Union Cabinet reshuffle which they feel will improve the situation of the country.As per the IANS-CVoter Snap Poll, 46 per cent respondents said the situation in the country will improve with a new Cabinet while 41 per cent said the situation will remain the same. The sample size of the survey is 1,200 and is based on interviews with adult respondents across all segments. However, former Health Minister being dropped from the Cabinet has not gone down well with the people. More than half or 54 per cent said Harsh Vardhan is alone not responsible for the hardships faced by the people during Covid-19 and is being made a scapegoat, while 29 per cent disagreed with this notion. As several former bureaucrats joined the Cabinet, including Ashwini Vaishnaw as the new Railways and IT Minister, 45 per cent said that it is not necessary that a former officer would prove a better minister, while 42 per cent said they do. Hopes are dim on any relief on petrol and diesel prices despite a change in guard. While 55 per cent said changing the Petroleum Minister and appointing Hardeep Puri will not put a check on rising prices of petrol and diesel, 34 per cent said it will bring change. A new Education Ministry has been perceived positively with 52 per cent saying it will improve the state of education in the country while 35 per cent disagree. Good news for Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath as a majority feels he will win the upcoming assembly elections in 2022. While 52 per cent feel Yogi will win despite his failures to handle the Covid pandemic in the state, 37 per cent disagree. As per the poll, America is a more trustworthy partner for India with 49 per cent approval as compared to only 29 per cent for Iran. –IANS san/in

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