Involvement in child sexual abuse might stop your VISA ; 7 questions to be now asked for VISA


New Delhi

Central government has created a big trouble for the serious crime committers in the society as their abroad travel might be in trouble now. A new initiative to stop the culprits involved in any kind of child sexual abuse from going abroad.

It won’t be easy for the people involved in any sort of economical or cyber-crime to get the VISA as a new column has been added to the VISA application form which asks to mention about any past criminal records  of the applicant.

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In the application form of VISA, the records of the criminals will be investigated and will be given a question paper comprising of total six question.
If the applicant answers yes to any of the six questions, he/she will have to give an explanation for such.

On the request of the ministry such questions were added in the VISA application form. On the behalf of Home Ministry, woman and child sexual abuse minister
Maneka Gandhi has welcomed the decision.

She tweeted expressing her happiness on the column being added to the VISA application form to mention about the applicant’s past criminal records to stop child sexual abuse.

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Now the question is that will it impact the mindsets of the criminals to some extent and think before involving in such activities.

These 7 questions will be asked during the application of VISA:
Have you ever been declared as convict in a case?

  1. Have you ever been banished from a country or been prohibited to enter it?
  2. Have you ever been involved in any case of human trafficking, business of drugs and alcohol or child sexual abuse?
  3. Have you ever been associated with any cyber-crime, terrorist activity, spying, killing, political murder or any other sort of violence?
  4. Have you ever expressed any of your thoughts via any medium which involves terrorist based activities or have provoked others to get into terrorism or any serious crimes?
  5. Have you ever applied for any kind of political refuge or any other refuge?
  6. After answering all these questions in yes or no, you have to give a proper explanation if any of the answers of the question is yes in the 7th point.

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