Doru wants more usage of Indian coaches: Sanjay Sen

By Jagannath ChatterjeeNew Delhi, May 28 (IANS) Newly appointed India football coach Igor Stimac and Technical Director Isac Doru had in their first media session spoken about the need to bring the I-League and Indian Super League closer and see them as two pools to pick talent from. And former I-League winning coach Sanjay Sen has revealed that the duo meant what they said as Doru has already started interacting with Indian coaches and have also met I-League clubs to chart out a plan for the future of football in the country.
Speaking to IANS, the former Mohun Bagan and current ATK assistant coach said that the duo have been looking to work closely with Indian coaches who have local knowledge and can help the duo of Stimac and Doru in promoting the quality of football that is played in this country. In fact, Doru is also of the opinion that Indian coaches should be appointed to help foreign coach get the desired results.
“I had a meeting with our new TD Doru and I am very happy that he is also in favour of appointing local coaches, which is also my view. If you look at the recent past, I-Leagues were won by Aizwal FC and Minerva Punjab FC. They were coached by Indian coaches Khalid Jamil and Khogen Singh respectively. In ISL, there is no scope for the Indian coaches to prove their worth as ISL clubs are supposed to appoint foreign coaches only,” he rued.
Asked if the foreign coaches are indeed technically superior to their Indian counterparts, Sen said that was a matter of debate and one that can only be proved once given a level playing field. In fact, Sen revealed that Doru also spoke about giving talented but jobless Indian coaches opportunity to work with footballers.
“As far as the technical side is concerned, we are not behind the foreigners. But yes, if there is something to learn, then we should. It also needs to be seen whether the foreign coaches that are coming to India, are they qualified enough. Most of them do not have a job at hand and hence are coming here whether it is I-League or ISL.
“Their backgrounds needs to be checked, where all they have coached, how successful they are. Most of these coaches have coached age-group teams. What they have is a pro-license and have a foreign coach stamp. Only if a level playing field is given then only we can know how superior they are technically,” he explained.
“In my meeting with Doru today, he discussed the same things with me. How good are the foreign coaches that are coming to India? Most of them do not have a job and therefore they are coming to India. These are not my words, Doru himself told me this. He was here to meet the clubs.
“Today he met ATK and tomorrow he will be meeting officials of East Bengal and Mohun Baga. He is also of the opinion that Indian coaches should be given more opportunities because a number of educated coaches are jobless here.”
While Sen didn’t wish to speak much about Stimac without interacting with the new coach, the former I-League winning coach did say that there were quite a few things that Indian coaches can do to get just reward for the talent they possess.
“This is what was discussed with Doru. He said he will also propose that Indian coaches be utilized more. In fact, Bob Houghton’s era is an example. Houghton didn’t bring any support staff with him. Lots of Indian coaches developed under him. Even under Colin Tole, we were a group who gained in experience. This is a way Indian coaches should be utilized along with foreign coaches.
“See, if we do the courses and get the license and then if we do not get the opportunity to prove ourselves then what is the use of these A license or Pro-license? These are mere papers,” he pointed.
(Jagannath Chatterjee can be contacted at [email protected])

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